60 points total
_____ (5 pts) Total Length: 5 minutes with 3-4 minutes for questions
- Aim for as close to 5 minutes as you can, buzzer will sound at 5 minutes
- Quickly wrap up your presentation when the buzzer sounds so you have time for questions
_____ (5 pts) Introduction: succinctly describe the purpose of your program
_____ (20 pts) Show your Python code and describe what your functions do
- You likely won’t have time to go through your code line by line
- Focus on the sections of code that perform the key functions of your program
- What, if any, modules did you use?
- What data structures (i.e. lists, dictionaries, etc.) did you use?
- How were these data structures used? (i.e. loops, functions, etc.)
_____ (10 pts) Demonstrate that your program works
- Play the game or show some examples
- Show that the program runs as intended
- Mention if there is anything else your program does that you didn’t have time to demonstrate
_____ (20 pts) Ability to answer questions posed about the functionality of your program
- Demonstrates that you understand what you wrote and how your program works
_____ TOTAL