Presentation slides are due via Sakai by 2:30 PM on the day your group presents.

Key items that should be included

1. Introduction (10-15 min, 4 pts)

  • What is the problem you aim to solve? Why is this problem interesting?
  • What has been done previously? Cite and describe 3-4 previous publications or software tools.
  • Why are particular quality control steps necessary?
  • How do your project goals differ from what has been done before?
  • How will solving the problem increase biological knowledge?

2. Implementation Plan (5-7 min, 2 pts)

  • What programming language(s) will you use?
  • What software and/or packages/modules will you use?
  • What is your input data? Where does it come from?
  • How is the data processed? What is your planned workflow?
  • What databases will you access?
  • What will your output look like?
  • How will you test your code?

3. Weekly Benchmarks (3-5 min, 2 pts)

  • Build a table with weeks as rows and group members as columns. Include this table on your GitHub Wiki and include a few highlights in your presentation (i.e. don’t read the table, but point out a few key benchmarks). Something like this:
Week Corin Carrie Janet
Mar 13 help prepare slides for intro, give presentation intro help prepare slides for implementation plan, give presentation implementation plan help prepare slides (weekly benchmarks) - make workflow diagram, make weekly benchmarks table on GitHub Wiki
Mar 20 understand data structure of DBxyz, figure out what output we want, resolve pull requests on Wiki write code to access DBxyz and get desired output test Carrie’s code for DBxyz access, keep GitHub Wiki up to date
  • In each cell, note what each person will plan to accomplish that week.
  • Divide tasks as equally as possible according to each individual’s strengths. Decide whether you’d like to pair program or work on sections individually. Everyone should test code.
  • Those not doing the bulk of programming should do more of the writing for the Application Note and documentation.
  • Presentation responsibilities should be divided up over the semester so everyone presents at some point.
  • You should update your table on your Wiki and in your 5-min group progress presentations as you complete tasks and add new ones.
  • Example Wiki 1. Example Wiki 2.

4. Question & Answers (5 min, 2 pts)

  • All group members should contribute to answering questions during presentations. If only one or two group members gave the talk, everyone else in the group should come forward during the Q&A period.
  • This is an opportunity to clarify things you presented and gauge your understanding of the material.
  • During presentations by other groups, your active participation in asking relevant questions will be noted and may lead to an extra credit point or two over the course of the semester.

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