You should assume you are speaking to a conference audience where most of your audience has not heard about your project before. Be concise and clear.
_____ (1 pt) Total Length: 12 minutes with 3 minutes for questions
- Aim for 12 minutes exactly, buzzer will sound at 12 minutes, you will be cut off at 15 minutes.
- Quickly wrap up your presentation when the buzzer sounds so you have time for questions.
_____ (2 pts) Background
- Describe the purpose of your project.
- Put your project in greater biological context.
- How does it extend what has been done previously?
_____ (2 pts) Methods/Implementation
- What is your input/output?
- What programming language(s)/packages/modules did you use?
- What functionality did you develop?
_____ (2 pts) Results
- Show results run on test data.
- What biological question do your results answer?
- How does your project improve what was known/done previously?
_____ (1 pt) Conclusions/Future Directions
- Succintly summarize what you have done.
- If COMP 383/483 could last another semester, what would you do next?
_____ (2 pts) Ability to clearly answer questions posed about your project
- This is an opportunity to clarify things you presented and gauge your understanding of the material.
_____ TOTAL